Are you tired of being tired or living small?

It’s Your Time to Rise!

Enrolment closes at Midnight Saturday 1st February 2025


Experience life with more joy, ease & flow

Trust yourself & your body as you unveil the empowered, creative, passionate woman you truly are

Harness your inner knowing, self-healing capacity & feminine superpowers

Are you ready to allow your greatest potential to arise while feeling rooted, nourished and supported by life?

Come back home to you and your power to change your reality.


In a world where the distorted masculine qualities of success, control, intellect and achievement have been highly valued many of us have lost connection with and maybe even feel shame about our more feminine qualities including our body connection, sexuality, intuition, creative power, emotions and passion.

Sadly, this disconnection can lead to overwhelm, poor health, no longer recognising our own needs and truth, feeling unfulfilled, and even chronic fatigue and burnout.

It’s time to balance masculine and feminine energies, recalibrate body and mind, and reconnect to the fullest version of you that is possible.

In the Rooted Community I will share with you how to connect back to yourself as well as balanced feminine and masculine energy to receive your own inner knowing, to harness your inner power and self-healing capacity, to know who to reach out to and what will support you, and to feel safe and held so that nervous system healing can happen at a core level.

Join the Rooted Community & come and rise with us

Benefits of the Rooted Community:

In this membership group you will receive:


Are you ready to gift yourself today?


(Each month we’ll be guided by one of these themes with the connection theme running over two months).

  1. Awareness: Grow your awareness of the unconscious patterns that deplete you and keep you stuck and living small. Recognise these in daily responses and behaviours.
  2. Connection: Take back your power when you connect to your body, your inner child and to conscious masculine and feminine energy to provide a sense of safety so you are open to change, able to calm the nervous system, and can access your intuition and needs.
  3. Release: Let go of old trauma that shapes your unhealthy patterns and release nervous system activation to allow healing and body and mind balance.
  4. Receive: You’ve released the old ways to create space to receive the new – intuition, soul-aligned guidance and having your needs fully met.
  5. Flow: Tap into ‘Through Me’ and ‘As Me’ consciousness to create the reality you want and to leverage natural cycles and rhythms for increased creation from a deeply rested place.

Please note: The theme of awakening the sexual essence will be woven into each of the themes.

The sexual essence IS the feminine essence
which is also life force and creativity.
It is all one and the same.

The sexual force can enliven, vitalise, nourish, heal and purify us.
All too often we seek to receive healing,
more energy or more abundance yet we don’t fully open ourselves to receive.
One of the reasons we battle to receive is because we’re afraid of our own sexual essence.

Of course we’re afraid. Women have been shamed and labelled for centuries
when more fully embracing their sexuality, passion and power.

What does this mean exactly in terms of the membership?
I guide embodied practices as meditations and sometimes movement to feel your power
and connect more with your body and intuition and to invite the feminine/sexual essence as fire, strength, vitality,
abundance, pleasure, desire and creative force within the self through that deeper connection to the body.

Please note this is very gentle and subtle and won’t include intimate practices.

The Rooted Community is a portal for not just physical and emotional healing but a portal for
spiritual awakening (inclusive of all specific religious affiliations).
I’ve seen time and again that as women overcome burnout,
fatigue or overwhelm they also heal their bodies, their connection to their power,
their connection to their sexual and feminine essence and,
ultimately, they feel more alive and more connected to all that is and
their unique and valuable part in that.

The sexual essence IS the feminine essence
which is also life force and creativity.
It is all one and the same.

The sexual force can enliven, vitalise, nourish, heal and purify us.
All too often we seek to receive healing,
more energy or more abundance yet we don’t fully open ourselves to receive.
One of the reasons we battle to receive is because we’re afraid of our own sexual essence.

Of course we’re afraid. Women have been shamed and labelled for centuries
when more fully embracing their sexuality, passion and power.

What does this mean exactly in terms of the membership?
I guide embodied practices as meditations and sometimes movement to feel your power
and connect more with your body and intuition and to invite the feminine/sexual essence as fire, strength, vitality,
abundance, pleasure, desire and creative force within the self through that deeper connection to the body.

Please note this is very gentle and subtle and won’t include intimate practices.

The Rooted Community is a portal for not just physical and emotional healing but a portal for
spiritual awakening (inclusive of all specific religious affiliations).
I’ve seen time and again that as women overcome burnout,
fatigue or overwhelm they also heal their bodies, their connection to their power,
their connection to their sexual and feminine essence and,
ultimately, they feel more alive and more connected to all that is and
their unique and valuable part in that.

Every month you’ll be able to attend and have access to the following materials:

*  Replays of live calls will be made available within 24 hrs following the calls

Please note: you don’t have to consume all materials but will be encouraged to honour what your body and energy levels can manage. You won’t fall behind as it’s not a structured course but a continuing experience.

How do you know that the Rooted community is going to help you?

These are common mistakes people make when trying to achieve change:

Your needs are unique and therefore your solution is unique too.

But, I get it, it all feels too much and you really don’t know where to start to find your way back to you and your own answers.

That’s why I have created this space for women like you.

Your experience in the Rooted community will lay the foundation and provide the support and safety net to discover your own answers, to try them on, feel them out, and feel confident to make that your new way of living life.
The Rooted Community will also help you to stay accountable to really knowing and owning this new way of being so it becomes a part of you regardless of the way that real life pressures you to live.

I’m ready to discover my unique answers...

Hello there...

I am Kerry Magnus and I can’t wait to be your facilitator, supporter, and to grow with you in this community.

I am a Holistic Psychologist and BodyTalk practitioner and I support women to embrace their greatest potential without burning out, using a unique body, mind and spirit approach that I created through my own journey of transformation.

After years of on/off burnout I was diagnosed with Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome in 2013. I was too tired and overwhelmed to support myself in a holistic way so I looked for relief using supplements, detoxes and diets. These helped somewhat but I continued to experience crashes for 5 years. I was so frustrated as I had such a sense of what I could become and be but I felt overwhelmingly stuck.

I felt like a failure. As mother, wife, psychologist, friend and daughter. After 5 years I had a revelation about how burnout, overwhelm, fatigue, and living small is so often linked to how we live in an imbalanced way to feel ‘safe’ and ‘worthy’ and I saw clearly how my psychology impacted my body. This was the turning point for me and from there I began to step back into true balance, power and health.

Because of my experience I realised I wanted to support women to be the powerful, creative, passionate, shining, beautiful beings that they are rather than them trying and often failing to fit the mould of patriarchal society and success.

And that is what I have been doing ever since with increasing joy, ease and flow….!


These are the words of women who experienced the principles and practices I will share in the Rooted Community:

Kerry’s Rooted Community membership group is such a blessing. I feel supported in my journey out of fatigue and into self-love and flow. I feel lighter, more connected, and more full of joy. I’ll sign on for another year with Kerry because the process of learning and practicing with her is such a pleasure! Kerry’s group helps to keep me on the upward spiral of self-love, energy and self-compassion, and for me, that is gold.

My intuition has grown extremely, I just pick up things a lot quicker now. Whereas before, I would always look at the benefit for someone else over myself. Now I’m putting myself first for a change. And saying, “This doesn’t work for me.”

I wanted to be everything for everyone. And now I realize I can’t… if my cup’s not full, I can’t give it to someone else. Before I would let my cup get drained. And I’m left with nothing.

And I feel a lot more comforted and supported when I do that tapping into the masculine and feminine energy. Whereas before, I felt like I was alone all the time. But I realized, no, I’m never alone...

I feel like I am getting a lot out of participating as I can.  I know that on the live calls I have definitely done some clearing and healing. Thank you for your very good influence on my well-being. 

I am feeling better physically more and more each day, but of course not without some minor slip ups pushing myself too much and avoiding rest. I am still learning to nourish and nurture myself through the tough moments but it is getting easier with practice 🙂 I really love your way of teaching and sharing wisdom...

I have to say thank you though to you. I came into the Rooted group so frazzled and exhausted and I now have old dreams and contact with the self I knew in my early twenties. This has been a most wonderful discovery of self compassion. I wanted to say thank you. With this new life I think there’s a possibility of bringing those old dreams to life again somehow. And also that I really appreciate the work you do.

I had been suffering with chronic fatigue syndrome and adrenal fatigue for several years. I had come to the realisation that my anxiety, type A personality, expectations of myself, and expectations others had of me were making me sick...

Kerry has also constantly encouraged me to stand in my truth and helped me discover who I really am, instead of who I was brought up to be. My confidence has shot through the roof – my voice is louder, my posture is different and I no longer fear social gatherings with people who hold different views. She has given me the tools to manage the anxiety which would eat away at me, allowing me to be self-reliant, and not reliant on her.

At a time where I was mentally ready to make significant changes, she changed my life...

Join the Rooted Community today!



(2 months free)

ZAR 6900

ZAR 690 (approx. $36/£29/€34)


The Rooted Community is a great space for you if:

The Rooted Community is not the space for you if:


You’ll be added to a Facebook group where you can access all the materials. You’ll be guided to listen to the intro video and to work through the getting started assessment to determine which phases are most relevant to you so that you can measure your progress and come back to the material for those particular phases. Calls will take place on Zoom and the replays will be shared in the group. If you’re not on Facebook you will miss out on the community aspect but you will receive links via email to access all replays and other materials.

You can choose to remain a member for as long as you are receiving value from being a member. A subscription will be set up and your account will be debited at the beginning of each month (monthly option). You can end your membership at any time by sending an email to

If you consider what you would pay a psychologist or coach for a single session as well as a BodyTalk practitioner for a session that’s already approximately quadruple what you will be paying per month for your Rooted membership. On top of that you receive the benefit of community access, the powerful shifts that happen within a container/group energy, access to all past calls and much more.

I hope you will see the value in this!

If you have a desire for transformation and to answer your soul’s calling then this group is for you and
there is no better time than now. If you are feeling anxious or have misgivings about joining please chat to me: Please note that some anxiety is very normal when we are about to embark on a process of transformation. The ego/slave self likes to stay ‘safe’ but is ‘safe’ good for you right now?

It’s up to you. The calls will take a total of 2 – 2.5 hours a month. The BodyTalk feedback will take max 20 mins to listen to and the Nourish the Nervous System video is usually less than 5 minutes.

You can also choose how much time you wish to spend reading/answering community messages and also implementing the embodied practices.

Used consistently, the embodied practices often lead to people experiencing more spaciousness around time.

The Rooted Community is for anyone who identifies as a woman. If you are a man looking for a similar space please let me know and I can give you some recommendations.

Contact me at

You were born as a beautiful, connected, joyful, loving, trusting shining bright being with so much to offer this world. That version of you is always waiting to be released.

It’s time to let her rise...