Member Info

Rooted Member Information Form


Signing and submitting this form indicates that you agree to the following policies and values of the Rooted Community:

  • I understand that my healing is my responsibility and no one can do it for me. I will get out what I put in.
  • I understand that while Kerry is a psychologist this is not therapy and if I feel overly activated or traumatised for any reason I will both share this with Kerry and seek external support (Kerry may also recommend support).
  • Out of respect to the women in this group I agree to keep all that is shared in this space confidential.
  • I agree to not try to fix or advise other women in the group and I will only share from my own experience and not speak for others or assume I know what is best for them.
  • I commit to immediately resolve any issues that prevent my monthly debit from going through.
  • I agree not to share the program materials with women who are not in the Rooted Community.
  • Some of the calls within the group will be recorded to be shared as teaching materials within the group and via email. As a participant, I may be recorded and I’m saying yes to this. If I do not wish to be recorded I will let Kerry know.
  • I agree to my name and e-mail being kept in Kerry’s database to keep me up to date on group activity and future events. I acknowledge that I may unsubscribe from the group and from the database any time I wish.
  • I will let Kerry know as soon as I wish to leave the Rooted community and my membership will remain active until the next debit order is due.
  • I agree to all the above policies and commitments.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.